In Honor of Earth Day

During a time when it feels like so much has been taken away, the natural world outside our windows remains. Our plans may be on an indefinite pause, but our environment keeps carrying on all the same. In honor of Earth Day, some share how they are watching it with a new sense of appreciation and awareness:

“I am noticing more nature sounds—like birds calling to each other in the morning and wind rustling the leaves of the trees outside my kitchen window. At first it felt like the world got much quieter with humans in quarantine, but then I realized that nature has gotten much louder.”

“I’ve been thinking about how while so many of humans are staying indoors, nature is having a chance to recover and rejuvenate. There are clear skies in major cities that have been plagued by pollution for decades. It’s a powerful reminder of the impact our species has on the planet.”

“The moments I do have leaving the house have become more like an event. I take my time strolling around the four-block radius from my home, sit on the park bench for 20 minutes feeling the sun on my face. I’ve watched the flowers bloom, taking time to truly look at their pinks and yellows and believing that’s a signal from the universe that everything will be OK… I hope that when we exit this phase, we will be more grateful and aware of the goodness of slow living. Of how the simple things found in nature can inspire and nurture our bodies, our minds, and our souls as well.”

“Mountain air, blue skies, wildflowers, and the sounds of the natural world settle my body and mind and give me the sense that even when I can’t see the light at the end of this tunnel, it’s there. This powerful planet knows how to heal herself, and we, too, will find our way back to health.”

“When I look out the window of my second story condo, the sunshine seems to beckon me. I feeel such a pull to get outside in the fresh air, absorbing the warm rays of the sun.I love the perspective that this is a time of healing for the earth. Everything is being put in perspective…mother earth is smiling.”Mother Nature

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